Micturating Cystourethrography (MCU/VCUG)

 Micturating Cystourethrography(MCU/VCUG)

• Definition

The micturating cystourethrography also known as voiding cystourethrography is the radiographic study of lower urinary tract in which iodinated contrast is injected into the bladder via a catheter and the images are taken when the patient is micturate.

• Indications

Trauma to urethra.
Urethral Stricture.
Urethral fistula
Difficulty in urine passes
Suspected urethral diverticula

• Risk Factors
Urinary tract infection
Urethral trauma.
Intravassation of contrast.
Urethral bleeding

• Contrast

The water soluble contrast urographin 60% is used which is diluted with normal saline in 1:3 ratio

• Equipments

X ray unit
Fluoroscopy with spot film device
Foley’s catheter
Surgical gloves
Anaesthetic jelly and Betadine

• Patient Preparation

The procedure should be explained to patient before undergoing to procedure.

All metallic ornaments should be removed specially in the pelvis region.
The patient is asked to micturate prior to the procedure.

• Procedure

The Patient lies supine on the table and the plain kub film is taken.

Using sterile technique first of all clean the penis with betadine.

Then the catheter is inserted into the penis after applying an anaesthetic jelly.

When the catheter is inserted into the bladder inflate the balloon with sterile water to fix the catheter.

Then the contrast is injected in to the bladder via a catheter.

When the bladder is fully filled with contrast, cystogram film is taken to see the bladder.
And then the patient is slightly tilted with legs (Oblique position) and micutrating images are taken in both oblique projection.

It shows the bladder descending urethera and ascending urethra. 

• Filming :--

Plain KUB film.
Cystogram film
Micturating film (in both oblique projection)
Empty bladder (Postvoid)

case 1:--

case 2:-- This case is describe ( Full detailed) in next                      Blog  👉  VUR 


                   ✍BHARAT GOYAL( RT)
                             THANK YOU 🤝
            😊 STAY SAFE !!! STAY HAPPY 😊


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